Monday, February 28, 2011

Louise Hay Why Not!?

For the past several weeks during my work day “You Can Heal Your Life” has been chirping in my ear, by choice. At work, I can listen to whatever I’d like, and I have really embraced that in a way I never have before. One day I chose not to listen to my norm Top-40-dance-in-my-seat-keep-me-awake shit, and I found Louise on You Tube. About halfway through "You Can Heal Your Life" I realized my friend Marianne lent me a book of the same name a few years ago, but I'd never picked it up. On the bookshelf it sits.

If I had bothered to read this little jewel that my friend lent to me perhaps I’d be farther along on my journey and further away from wanting to punch the people that cut me off in traffic in the face; In just a few weeks I already see a difference in my patience – for the good! I am starting to recognize that my thoughts are formed from the inside out, not the other way around. Thoughts are truly what make you. I am more, dare I say... laidback.

I began eating up interviews and talks by Pema Chodron, Esther Hicks, Mother Teresa, Thich Nhat Hanh (whom I've read before and love love love), and Brene Brown (thank you T!) - couldn't get enough!

Brene's studies on vulnerability are brilliant... Being able to say no when saying yes is the expected answer is so huge. No, I'd rather not take you to the store every Saturday morning at 7am, Aunt Linda, take the bus and we'll get together once a month for shopping and lunch, but 7am on a Saturday. Jesus! Yeah, worked through that one years ago, but Brene's research validated my decision. Whew! And it's still a work in progress.

I cannot remember which one of the amzing teachers I was listening to that said forgiveness of self is one of the single most important things we can do to begin healing and thinking differently... Found this quote from Mark Twain, "Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." Pretty much sums it up.